How it works:

Extraordinary things can happen when we ask extraordinary questions. This blog asks extraordinary questions in the form of outlandish statements. Sometimes I believe what I've posted. Sometimes I don't. This is not a blog about my political, religious, or philosophical views. It's a blog about thinking in different boxes or outside of the box altogether. Have fun. BRING FRIENDS!

***note: to comment on a premise if you are on the homepage and there's no comment box, click on the title of the premise. Thanks.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Premise the 31st - Jobs

Premise: People don't need jobs. They need income. Jobs are but one way among many ways of procuring income. Moreover, even those who are employed are, in the end, self-employed in that they decide who their client is and whether they are willing to do what the client requires for the compensation offered by that client. 

Assignment: Argue for or against the merits of this premise, using logic, sound reasoning, and where possible, citations (links) to back up your arguments.

Caveat: You need not take the side that you actually believe. Sometimes arguing the other side is more fun.


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