How it works:

Extraordinary things can happen when we ask extraordinary questions. This blog asks extraordinary questions in the form of outlandish statements. Sometimes I believe what I've posted. Sometimes I don't. This is not a blog about my political, religious, or philosophical views. It's a blog about thinking in different boxes or outside of the box altogether. Have fun. BRING FRIENDS!

***note: to comment on a premise if you are on the homepage and there's no comment box, click on the title of the premise. Thanks.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Premise the 59th- Werewolves


Team Jacob Sucks.

More discerning werewolf fans are looking for something grittier... such as the werewolves portrayed in Wolf's Rise, Volume I of the LupoSapien Project, out December 20th on eBook, from very much gooder author Sevastian Winters, (Read the prologue here) and subsequent volumes, to come, Wolf's Cry, Wolfs' Falls, and Wolf's Retribution.

Plus, you should totally follow Buck Levins (a major character in the series) on Twitter

Assignment: Argue for or against the merits of this premise, using logic, sound reasoning, and where possible, citations (links) to back up your arguments.)

Caveat: You need not take the side that you actually believe. Sometimes arguing the other side is more fun.


Friday, December 9, 2011

Premise the 58th- National Defense

Premise: The U.S. Armed Forces have nothing to do with national defense.

A nation interested in national defense has an enormous Coast Guard, an unparalleled Border Patrol, and an unprecedented National Guard, while maintaining a joke of an Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corp.....NOT the other way around.

As such, we should change the names of some things.... such as "National Offense Budget" and "Secretary of Offense"...that or we could retreat to our pre-WWII stance on how we use our military. (Oh... and another defensive strategy for not getting hit... DON'T BE THE WORLD'S ASSHOLE!)

Assignment: Argue for or against the merits of this premise, using logic, sound reasoning, and where possible, citations (links) to back up your arguments.)

Caveat: You need not take the side that you actually believe. Sometimes arguing the other side is more fun.


Friday, December 2, 2011

Premise the 57th- Self Promotion

Premise: There is, despite any rumor to the contrary, such a thing as going too far with self-promotion...such as, for example, when you hijack your own just-for-fun blog simply to promote your brand new book on writing, marketing, and business,

How I are Becomed 
a Very Much Gooder Author.

and then suggest that people
click here to go buy it! 

Assignment: Argue for or against the merits of this premise, using logic, sound reasoning, and where possible, citations (links) to back up your arguments.)

Caveat: You need not take the side that you actually believe. Sometimes arguing the other side is more fun.


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Premise the 56th- Toilet Seats

Premise: I think, that where possible, we should deliver more than we promise

For example, if you promise your wife that you will always remember to put the toilet seat down after you pee, you should go the extra step and put the lid down as well...

...That way, she has to do some fucking work too.

Assignment: Argue for or against the merits of this premise, using logic, sound reasoning, and where possible, citations (links) to back up your arguments.)

Caveat: You need not take the side that you actually believe. Sometimes arguing the other side is more fun.


Premise the 55th- Butternut Squash

Premise: Naming a squash "butternut squash" is cruel, because its flavor can never live up to its namesake. Maybe if they'd called it ""Nut-shaped" squash, I could enjoy the flavor more (once I got past the sexual connotation), but as it is, I'm just disappointed, because butter and nuts (like peanuts, cashews, macadamia, almonds and such) taste AMAZING.... but this..... Well this just tastes like squash!

Assignment: Argue for or against the merits of this premise, using logic, sound reasoning, and where possible, citations (links) to back up your arguments.)

Caveat: You need not take the side that you actually believe. Sometimes arguing the other side is more fun.


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Premise the 54th- Lion Kibble

Premise: I get tired of religious people using their Bibles (specifically John 15:18-21) as vehicle for smugness when people speak out against them for their hypocrisy and moralistic vitriol.

Unless someone is making them wrestle hungry lions to the death, in the midst of a crowd of people pulling for the lions, they should really shut their faces about how they expect such "persecution" because the Bible says that when people find you to be an asshole in the name of your God, that you are somehow blessed. Sometimes, god or no god, an asshole is just an asshole.

Assignment: Argue for or against the merits of this premise, using logic, sound reasoning, and where possible, citations (links) to back up your arguments.)

Caveat: You need not take the side that you actually believe. Sometimes arguing the other side is more fun.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Premise the 53rd- Angry Elves

Premise: Santa's slave labor force, the elves, are not always happy with their working conditions. In fact, between the demands, and the climate, and the silly work uniforms, not to mention that their slave driver sits around on his fat ass acting as nothing but a PR man for their "profitless" company, they are pretty frikken' fed up. In fact, there is talk of a north pole "#occupation" soon. 

Assignment: Argue for or against the merits of this premise, using logic, sound reasoning, and where possible, citations (links) to back up your arguments.

Caveat: You need not take the side that you actually believe. Sometimes arguing the other side is more fun.