How it works:

Extraordinary things can happen when we ask extraordinary questions. This blog asks extraordinary questions in the form of outlandish statements. Sometimes I believe what I've posted. Sometimes I don't. This is not a blog about my political, religious, or philosophical views. It's a blog about thinking in different boxes or outside of the box altogether. Have fun. BRING FRIENDS!

***note: to comment on a premise if you are on the homepage and there's no comment box, click on the title of the premise. Thanks.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Premise the 53rd- Angry Elves

Premise: Santa's slave labor force, the elves, are not always happy with their working conditions. In fact, between the demands, and the climate, and the silly work uniforms, not to mention that their slave driver sits around on his fat ass acting as nothing but a PR man for their "profitless" company, they are pretty frikken' fed up. In fact, there is talk of a north pole "#occupation" soon. 

Assignment: Argue for or against the merits of this premise, using logic, sound reasoning, and where possible, citations (links) to back up your arguments.

Caveat: You need not take the side that you actually believe. Sometimes arguing the other side is more fun.


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